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Site Based Decision Making Committee (SBDM)

SBDM Progress

School Site Project Agreement

SBDM Members

L. Tess 

R. Bell

M. Work

C. Abate

A. Dutta

E. Waite

K. Gutierrez



M. S. Jarcia

SBDM Charter

Article 28, Section C, of the HEA 2013-16 Collective Bargaining Agreement:

Local [SBDM] Teams have the following responsibilities and functions:

(1) Participation in SBDM training.

(2) Developing a School Site Project Agreement. Such agreement shall not include the Local SBDM Team hiring, firing, or evaluating bargaining unit members. Neither shall such a Project Agreement include a merit pay system for certificated bargaining unit members. The School Site Project Agreement shall include goals and objectives and may have a plan for including parents in school activities, staff development, and shall include an evaluation of the Project Agreement on an annual basis.

(3) Making decisions about school issues such as budget, implementation of standards based instruction, and safety.

(4) Tailoring and coordinating curriculum and instruction across grade levels and between and within departments at the
school site level.

(5) Establishing/revising site pupil discipline plans and practices.

(6) Designing and conducting site staff development programs and policies.

(7) Solving school-wide problems and developing programs.

(8) Developing procedures and communications which encourage teacher involvement in decision making.

(9) Making recommendations on staffing and the day-to-day operation of the school.

(10) Selecting two (2) unit member representatives from the site for the final site interview panel for a site administrator(s) vacancy. This does not apply to internal reassignments or transfers.

SBDM Meeting Dates:


SBDM Agendas

SBDM Minutes