School success is directly related to attendance. Poor performance in the classroom is often the result of poor attendance. If students are to achieve maximum value from their middle school education, regular attendance is necessary.
Justifiable excused absences permitted by the state law include:
1. Illness or quarantine.
2. Medical appointments.
3. Bereavement in the event of death of members of the immediate family.
4. Appearance in court.
5. Attendance at a funeral
6. Employment interview or conference.
7. Attendance at a religious retreat for no more than four hours per semester.
Absence Reporting
Parents should call the school in the morning if a student will be absent or the student should bring a note from home when he/she returns to school verifying the reason for the absence. All unexcused absences will result in loss of privileges (LOP) until cleared. Students will not be allowed to attend extracurricular activities if they are absent on the day of the event. (Exceptions noted with excused medical appointments).
Student absences are recorded daily and reported on progress reports and report cards throughout the year. Attendance and tardy information are regularly reviewed by school staff for excessive and/or unexcused absences. The parents of students who experience attendance problems will be contacted, and the Child Welfare and Attendance Office will be notified.
Automated Phone Calls
An automated phone call will be made home in the evening when one or more class period absences occur during the day. Failure to clear absences will result in ineligibility to participate in school activities.
Medical Appointments
Permission notes requesting students to leave early for medical appointments should be presented to the Attendance Office before first period in order to receive an off-ground pass. The pass is to be shown to the teacher when the student is to be excused from class. Students are to then report to the office and sign out with the attendance clerk prior to leaving school grounds.
Teresita Rutherford
Attendance Clerk
Phone: (510) 723-3140 ext. 44111